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Regular Expression Details

Title Test Find dd/mm/yyyy hhMMss Julian to Gregorian DateTime
(?#Datetime for Julian and Gregorian Calenders Matchs dates from 0045 BC to 9999 A.D. Days and months are 1 or 2 digits Years are 4 digit with leading zeros if required. February is validate in all leap years Leap year rules for Julian and Gregorian calendars Missing days for 1582 and 1752 are not matched. Though only one set should be applied to a calendar since they are caused by when the calendar was adopted Missing days Time can be either 12 or 24 hour format 12 hour format hh:MM:ss AM|PM minutes and seconds are optional 24 hour format hh:mm:ss seconds are optional, hours less than ten require leading zero Datetome format is a date, a space then a time. ) (?#Calandar from January 1st 45 B.C. to December 31, 1999 in dd/mm/yyyy format) (?! (?:(?:0?[5-9]|1[0-4])(?<sep>[-./])10\k<sep>(?:1582))| #Missing days from 1582 (?:(?:0?[3-9]|1[0-3])(?<sep>[-./])0?9\k<sep>(?:1752)) #or Missing days from 1752 (?# both sets of missing days such not be in the same calendar so remove one or the other) ) (?n:^(?=\d) # the character at the beginning a the sring must be a digit ( (?<day>31(?!.0?[2469]|11)|30(?!.0?2)| 29(?(.0?2)(?=.0?2.(?! #exclude these years from leap year pattern 000[04] #No year 0 and no leap year in year 4 | (?:(?:1[^0-6]|[2468][^048]|[3579][^26])00) (?# centurial years > 1500 not evenly divisible by 400 are not leap year) ) (?:(?:(?:\d\d) # century (?:[02468][048]|[13579][26]) #leap years (?!\x20BC))|(?:00(?:42|3[0369]|2[147]|1[258]|09)\x20BC)))|(?!.0?2))| 2[0-8]|1\d|0?[1-9]) (?<sep>[-./]) # choose a date separator (?<month> (0?[1-9])|1[012]) #end of month check (?# The maximum number of days allowed for a month has already been checked for in the month check. If you made it this far the number of day is within the range for the given month) \k<sep> # Match the same date separator choosen before. (?<year>(?=(?:00(?:4[0-5]|[0-3]?\d)\x20BC)|(?:\d{4}(?:\z|(?:\x20\d))))\d{4}(?:\x20BC)? # a four digit year. Use leading zeros if needed ) (?(?=\x20\d)\x20|$))? # if there is a space followed by a digit check for time (?<time> ( # 12 hour format (0?[1-9]|1[012]) # hours (:[0-5]\d){0,2} # optional minutes and seconds (?i:\x20[AP]M) # required AM or PM )| # 24 hour format ( [01]\d|2[0-3]) #hours (:[0-5]\d){1,2}) #required minutes optional seconds ?$)
dd-mm-yyyy Datetime for AD, with leap year. See for details on this and similar regexs
30-4-2004 | 29/2/2004 3:35 PM | 23:00:00
1/31/2004 | 23:23 AM | 29/2/2005
Author Rating: Not yet rated. Michael Ash
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Existing User Comments

Title: Re: february again
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 8/23/2005 11:05:13 AM
Yes. It's fixed now. Good catch. Thanks.

Title: february again
Name: john
Date: 8/23/2005 10:54:03 AM
sorry, it was 31/02...

Title: february?
Name: john
Date: 8/23/2005 10:25:03 AM
this snippet returns true with 29/02 of any year (february 29th.) Can you reproduce this?

Title: Javascript Version
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 7/21/2004 4:47:52 PM
A Javascript compatible version of this regex can be found at

Title: Stepping back
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 7/21/2004 4:40:39 PM
Modified to include Julian dates back to 45 BC.

Title: without most of the comments
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 6/8/2004 3:01:52 PM
This is the above expression all but one of the comments removed for ease of use (?!(?:10(?<sep>[-./])(?:0?[5-9]|1[0-4])\k<sep>(?:1582))|(?:0?9(?<sep>[-./])(?:0?[3-9]|1[0-3])\k<sep>(?:1752))(?# both sets of missing days such not be in the same calendar so remove one or the other))(?n:^(?=\d)((?<day>31(?!.0?[469]|11)|30(?!.0?2)|29(?(.0?2)(?=.0?2.(?!000[04]|(?:(?:1[^0-6]|[2468][^048]|[3579][^26])00))(?:(?:\d\d)(?:[02468][048]|[13579][26])))|(?!.0?2))|2[0-8]|1\d|0?[1-9])(?<sep>[-./])(?<month>(0?[1-9])|1[012])\k<sep>(?<year>\d{4})(?(?=\x20\d)\x20))?(?<time>((0?[1-9]|1[012])(:[0-5]\d){0,2}(?i:\x20[AP]M))|([01]\d|2[0-3])(:[0-5]\d){1,2})?$) This should be one long string with no line breaks

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