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this will accept multiple email ids separated only by semi-colons (anyway u can change it).
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Name: Quantum Attraction Code
Date: 6/6/2024 5:31:29 AM
Quantum Attraction Code Emphasizes a holistic approach that combines common sense and covert intelligence. As we discussed earlier, in classical and quantum encryption, data is protected through guarding, then errors are checked and iterated. At best, there are code syndromes that allow determining the nature and location of errors. However, various strategies can be considered to achieve error correction .

Title: Active Keto Gummies NewzealandFixings: How Could It be Made?
Name: Active Keto Gummies NewzealandFixings: How Could It be Made?
Date: 10/6/2023 10:25:27 AM
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Name: Where To Purchase liv pure Reviews With Up to 75% Off?
Date: 9/26/2023 6:12:43 AM
Liv Pure ReviewsWhat do experts in the field of nutrition, fitness, and weight loss have to say about LivPure? We'll gather insights from professionals to provide a well-rounded perspective. After considering all the aspects of LivPure, it's time to answer the most critical question: Is LivPure the right choice for you? We'll provide guidance on who may benefit most from this weight loss program. In the final chapter, we'll summarize our findings and provide a balanced verdict on LivPure's weight loss program. We'll also offer some key takeaways to help you make an informed decision on your weight lossjourney. Related link

Title: Alpilean Reviews:- Does It Work Or Scam?
Name: JghsrraGuhsud
Date: 6/24/2023 9:56:07 AM
Alpilean Reviews-:According to the company's website, Alpilean is the first product in the world that has been scientifically demonstrated to quickly raise the core body temperature. This claim is made on the basis of the product's unique ability. Studies and investigations carried out by scientists in the United States and Switzerland have conclusively demonstrated that an abnormally low core body temperature is the real cause of obesity. Because it contains powerful naturally occurring components, Alpilean helps to raise the core temperature of the body, which is beneficial for overall health.

Title: Kerassentials Fungus Oil Where to Buy?
Name: Kerassentials Fungus Oil Where to Buy?
Date: 6/16/2023 11:10:45 AM
Kerassentials Reviews Brandon, a man from Chicago, says that he is content with his new nails. The man attempted numerous arrangements, yet nothing assisted with treating nail growth in his foot. He had one nail eliminated, however when it recovered, the growth was still there. Subsequent to utilizing Kerassentials, presently he can at long last see his sound and developing nail, which is without organism. Riley from Wyoming is additionally content with the impacts of Kerassentials. She has imparted this item to her whole family. She has had nail growth since secondary educational time, and she attempted a few strategies for treating nail organism. In any case, nothing excepted for Kerassentials. She was unable to accept how incredible it functioned. Official web:

Title: Cortexi UK Reviews (Top 5 Facts Exposed!) Safe or no Waste of Money?
Name: Cortexi UK :- Does It Really Work?
Date: 5/24/2023 11:20:45 AM
'Cortexi Australia' is made utilizing 20 cautiously chosen, clinically endorsed gainful fixings. Be that as it may, it is really difficult to enroll these. Thus, we've featured a few significant ones here in this part. The fixings are all-normal and safe. Hence, the enhancement delivers quicker and better outcomes while having no adverse consequence. Cortexi UK

Title: iPhone view
Name: iPhone
Date: 6/13/2011 9:09:24 AM

Title: ddd
Name: ddd
Date: 4/23/2011 12:26:40 AM

Title: I think that pattern is correct
Name: Joe
Date: 2/10/2011 6:59:27 AM
by the way,I want you to leave more examples of"Non-Matches" or "Matches". I`m still thinking how the Expression structured. I need more explanations so my rating is 4

Title: Works Great For List
Name: Terence
Date: 1/20/2011 5:50:45 PM
This works great for a list of e-mail recipients; SQL does not like comma-delimited list but does like semi-colons. This works great for the SQL quirks. Thanks!!

Title: Works Great For List
Name: Terence
Date: 1/20/2011 5:50:29 PM
This works great for a list of e-mail recipients; SQL does not like comma-delimited list but does like semi-colons. This works great for the SQL quirks. Thanks!!

Title: Thanks a Lot Yaar, U r doing great Job
Name: Abhinandan
Date: 11/24/2010 2:33:03 AM
Thanks Man it work fine.

Title: Somewhat incorrect
Name: Mitu
Date: 4/9/2009 2:56:48 AM
This regex also allows dot sign(.) after @ symbol, which is incorrect

Title: thanks a lot man...
Name: Godson
Date: 3/20/2009 7:21:26 AM
nice code.. its working very pakkaa.. thank u so much yaar..

Title: thanks
Name: boomi
Date: 10/22/2008 9:38:38 AM
very thankful for your code. Very excl..nt

Title: doesn't work correctly
Name: Anonymous
Date: 2/13/2007 8:07:26 AM
htis regex validates incorrect email addresses. for example: [email protected] is a valid email according to this expression

Title: Very Good But Can be Improved
Name: Anonymous
Date: 10/3/2006 3:35:46 PM
It's very good but if you could update it to include french/spanish characters in email address, that would be even better.

Title: Not perfect but ...
Name: Arigamor
Date: 6/22/2006 9:17:38 AM
Maybe it´d be not perfect, but is usefull for most of emails addresses. No being an expert can´t do it better. Thank.

Title: That's not email addresses!
Name: Randal L. Schwartz
Date: 2/16/2005 9:30:55 AM
You are failing to match: fred&[email protected], * and yes, those are both valid *working* email addresses. Please read the spec. (In fact, you can send email to that first one, and you'll reach my bot, and the second one reaches my friend "eli the bearded".) Matching a *valid* email address with a regex requires an 8000-char regex.

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