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Title Test Details Password Strength
This .NET Framework expression tests a submitted password for length, a capital and lower case letter, a number or punctuation character and no spaces.<br /> (?=.{8,32}$) tests for a minimum of 8 characters and maximum of 32. (?=.*\p{Lu}) tests for at least one upper case letter anywhere in the string. (?=.*\p{Ll}) tests for at least one lower case letter anywhere in the string. ((?=.*\p{N})|(?=.*\p{P})) tests that there is at least one number OR one punctuation mark. (?!.*\s) tests that there are no spaces in the string.
Pass-Word | paSS1woRD | p4SSword
PassWord | pass1RD | p4ssword
Author Rating: The rating for this expression. Jay A. Moritz
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