Title |
Pattern Title
Expression |
(?<Sedol>[B-Db-dF-Hf-hJ-Nj-nP-Tp-tV-Xv-xYyZz\d]{6}\d) |
Description |
This regular expression accepts SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List number, a code used by the London Stock Exchange to identify foreign stocks).
To be more exact - it accepts POTENTIAL SEDOL's, since the last, 7th digit of a sedol is a kind of check-sum digit and this reg-ex doesn’t check’s its correctness. Also, despite following to the formal SEDOL definition - its first character should be a consonant character – there are actual sedol’s with the first character, which is a number (e.g. 0067340 for BAA) and they are accepted by this reg-ex. |
Matches |
0067340 | B01HL06 | 4155586 |
Non-Matches |
12345 | 34A56B7 | 456VGHY |
Author |
Alexander Pinsker
Source |
http://alexpinsker.blogspot.com |
Your Rating |
Title: Allows greater than 7 character sedols
Name: Dav
Date: 7/13/2008 8:45:44 PM
this expression incorrectly allows sedols of greater than 7 characters.