Title: Converting date to this format
Name: Pamela
Date: 9/22/2021 9:52:20 PM
Hi, this is the correct format I need. The date is written December 18, 2020 and I need it to convert to 18-Dec-2020. Can you help me with that please?
Title: Converting date to this format
Name: Pamela
Date: 9/22/2021 9:51:22 PM
Hi, this is the correct format I need. The date is written December 18, 2020 and I need it to convert to 18-Dec-2020. Can you help me with that please?
Title: Converting date to this format
Name: Pamela
Date: 9/22/2021 9:48:51 PM
Hi, this is the correct format I need. The date is written December 18, 2020 and I need it to convert to 18-Dec-2020. Can you help me with that please?
Title: Best Ever
Name: Peter
Date: 7/24/2012 7:53:40 AM
This is the best ever ,just righfor Asp DOTNET and SQL server is ready for this type of date already ..Excellent!
Title: sun
Name: suraj
Date: 7/24/2012 7:31:52 AM
sun are like
Title: RE: One bug
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 5/9/2009 11:12:53 PM
Ditty, this regex does indeed account for leap years as shown in the last sample match and non-match.
Title: One bug
Name: Ditty Dominique
Date: 3/17/2009 3:40:11 AM
This has a bug, it does not take into consideration leap years.
Date: 8/14/2008 10:48:34 AM
Title: Re: case insensitive modification & Sept
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 12/2/2005 2:43:24 PM
Thanks for the catch but the fix to allow Sep is not just placing a ? after Sept. That would allow Sepember to pass. Each instance of Sept would need to be Sep(?=\b|t)t?
(?i:) will only work in serverside code.
The options are not allowed in the pattern in JScipt, so what is valid serverside may not be clientside. I don't know how Asp.Net dealing with embedded options.
Title: case insensitive modification & Sept
Name: Rob Lauriston
Date: 12/2/2005 2:13:10 PM
tiny bug: Sep is rejected because ? is missing after Sept.
What modification is needed to make this case insensitive?
I tried adding ^(?i)( etc...
at the beginning, and it works in some environments, but not as an ASP ValidationExpression
Visual Studio allows the syntax to be entered, but the debugger catches it.
This is off the topic of the expression per se, but I thought I'd ask.
Thanks for the expression!
Title: Its Good but i can' t understand it
Name: Ashok
Date: 11/22/2005 8:37:59 AM
Thnaks for information exactly what i looking for....
but if you place explanation then it is to be better for the persons ...
Title: Re: 2005/9/29 and don't be 2005/09/29
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 9/29/2005 11:42:44 PM
This regex only validate the date format pattern stated in the description. If you need another format please see http://regexadvice.com/blogs/mash/archive/2004/06/17/309.aspx
Title: what about 2005/9/29 and don't be 2005/09/29
Name: jspadmin
Date: 9/29/2005 8:35:39 PM
what about 2005/9/29 and don't be 2005/09/29?I need 2005/9/9 and 2005/9/10,I mean ,it will be automatically increased ,but with "0",how to assue?
Title: Focus on this website
Name: Jspadmin
Date: 9/29/2005 8:32:08 PM
I am from china,learning RegEx,this website may be useful
Title: Thanx alot Michael
Name: Amit Bajaj
Date: 9/2/2005 5:59:02 AM
Thanx for that RE. and making our job simpler.
Title: Re: Bug!
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 3/7/2005 4:41:37 PM
Fixed. Thanks for the catch.
Title: Bug!
Name: Try Feb 31
Date: 3/7/2005 4:02:03 PM
This expression allows Feb 31
- Ankesh Mehta
Title: Ideal for UK .net development
Name: Miles Doubleday
Date: 1/21/2005 7:22:31 AM
Exactly what I was looking for given that date validation in "UK" format doesn't work properly in the ASP.NET validation controls. Worked first time, thank you very much indeed.
Title: Re: how bout mm/dd/yyyy
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 10/27/2004 8:10:49 AM
Please see http://blogs.regexadvice.com/mash/archive/2004/06/17/1269.aspx
Title: how bout mm/dd/yyyy
Name: amyan
Date: 10/27/2004 2:45:44 AM
i've managed so far, to change the "-" to a "/" heh, dat wasn't a guru thing, what i need help wid is how to format the remaining of it?
Title: re: This is similar to what I want
Name: Michael Ash
Date: 3/18/2004 1:48:27 AM
Here you go Danna. I just replaced the spaces with dashes. Just note the month names are case sensitive
Title: Best Ever
Name: Peter
Date: 2/19/2004 11:24:47 AM
This is the best ever, just right for ASP DOTNET and SQL Server is ready for this type of date already.
Title: askelent !
Name: Imran
Date: 10/13/2003 4:07:13 AM
fit !! great work :) thanks a lot